
“Now more than ever, New Jersey needs pro-union leaders in Trenton who will fight alongside us on the issues that matter to middle-class and working families.” 

“[These candidates have] demonstrated that they respect the role educators play and we believe they will work with us to strengthen our profession, support our students and keep our schools the best in the nation."

"Our vote of confidence is for those who have stood up for workers’ right to unionize, for safe staffing ratios in hospitals and nursing homes and who stand up against large corporations’ union-busting tactics."

"We are proud to support candidates who will not waiver in the ongoing fight for working people.”

“It’s important that we elect local environmental champions who will fight for the right to a healthy environment for all residents.”

"Endorsing and supporting these remarkable individuals isn’t just about backing candidates; it’s a reflection of our steadfast belief in a New Jersey that listens to its young voices, values diversity, and is unafraid to move boldly into the future."

"PPAFNJ is proud to endorse candidates who are committed to protecting the rights of all to make their own health care decisions. We are confident that these endorsed candidates will champion reproductive freedom.”

“Each election cycle, the New Jersey Chapter of the Sierra Club endorses candidates who we feel have taken the greatest steps in working toward a better, cleaner environment.“

“The endorsed candidates have … consistently supported or led policies that prioritize low- and moderate-income individuals, communities of color, immigrants, LGBTQIA+ and other marginalized groups.”

“WPCNJ has a long-standing commitment to promoting gender equality in politics & empowering women to run for public office. The Caucus is confident that the candidates they’re endorsing are well-qualified, dedicated, & prepared to make a difference."

“PAM’s List stands firmly behind candidates who champion policies that support women’s autonomy, healthcare, and economic empowerment.”

“Our healthcare system is in crisis. We are urging every voter to vote for those who support safe staffing.”

"The NJPHIPAC endorsement signifies that the candidate completed our vetting process and has proven to be the most qualified candidate to protect and preserve our collective mission in Trenton.“

“Animals only win when humane candidates and issues do. We endorse candidates based on their records or positions on animal welfare issues.”

Endorsed by District 1199J - National Union of Hospital and Health Care Employees, AFSCME, AFL-CIO

Endorsed by Clean Water Action New Jersey

Endorsed by the American Federation of Teachers New Jersey

Endorsed by the Committee of Interns & Residents - SEIU Healthcare

Endorsed by the Domestic Workers Alliance

Endorsed by the New Jersey Principals and Supervisors Association

Endorsed by the Essex County Education Association

Endorsed by the Caribbean American Fun Day Committee

Endorsed by Dangamacin